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Paypal address:
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The following self-help publications are available:
1.  Hey allergy, I am not afraid of you!
2.  Cold Prevention and Recovery
3.  Sinusitis
4.  Eczema: your personal guide to clear skin
5.  Fertility: Perfect Copy BE
6.  Under Pressure: How to Control Your Blood Pressure

7.  Your Personal Guide to No More Headaches: Headaches and Migraines
8.  Life Without Piles
9.  Sleep Tight
10. Happy Knees
11.  Your Personal Guide to Having a Flexible Neck
12.  A Guide to Understanding Your Moon Cycle
13.  Healthy Vision

Price: $12.82
Once the payment is received, you will receive the e-book by email.
Paypal address:
[email protected]

Please notice that you DO NOT HAVE TO process your payment with Paypal.
Look for the Pay with Debit or Credit Card Link under Paypal guest checkout.


Products SoldReflexology Coloring Book by Lisa Mary Chan – English edition.
Can be used as mini Reflexology textbook.  Great self-care tool for both adults and kids.  Can be given to Reflexology clients to learn certain reflexes.  Includes unique Reflexology maps of Ears, Hands and Feet by Bill Flocco, Director of American Academy of Reflexology.
Paypal address: [email protected]
Price in US: $22.00 (includes shipping in handling)
Please contact for shipping rates if shipping outside of US: [email protected]

“Got my copy of this unique and fantastic Reflexology Coloring Book.  All I can say it would be a helpful business tool to add to your practice in more ways than one.  It offers a variety of self help tips to copy and handout to your clients.  Their children will be delighted if Mom, Aunt or Uncle bring a page home for coloring.  That is if they are willing to sacrifice the page.  It is reasonably priced and a once in a lifetime purchase and one of a kind. Ordering was easy and efficient.  I got mine in three days.  Love it. 

Gerlinde Bowen, Reflexologist

If you don’t have a Paypal account, look for the Pay with Debit or Credit Card Link under Paypal guest checkout.

Products Sold

Reflexology Coloring Book by Lisa Mary Chan – Russian edition.
Price in US: $22.00 (includes shipping and handling)
Please contact for shipping rates if shipping outside of US: [email protected]
Paypal address: [email protected] 

Я и моя пятилетняя дочь влюбились в Раскраску по Рефлексологии буквально с первой страницы.
Она очень интересна и практична как для детей, так и для родителей. Мы сразу начали изучать правила рефлексологии применяя это на друг друге и на всей нашей семье.  В ней все четко и понятно расписано о том, что делать при многих распространенных недугах, таких как головная боль, боль в животе, в спине, в шее и т.д.  Теперь почти каждый день Ева спрашивает меня если у меня что-то болит и не нужен ли мне сеанс рефлексологии.  Я рекомендую каждой семье иметь эту книгу у себя дома и не просто изучить, а пользоваться предложенными методами ежедневно.  Это действительно работает и улучшает здоровье. Проверено на себе лично и на всей нашей семье.

Ольга Яковлева
Основатель Академии Экспертов

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Products SoldRelaxing Mist
Formulated by Sofia, the mist includes high quality therapeutic essential oils from DoTerra and Young Living to unwind and relax.
Serenity blend, Stress Away Blend, Frankincense, Joy, just to name a few.
Price: $12.00, available only in person.
Paypal address: [email protected]

If you don’t have a Paypal account, look for the Pay with Debit or Credit Card Link under Paypal guest checkout.




Original Bones were developed to help people RELAX & REALIGN.
More specifically, the cervical vertebra is made up of seven parts and it is designed to have a healthy degree of curvature.  Should the curvature become lost, the body will not stack properly and negative issues will arise exponentially. By training the vertebrae C1 – C7 with a product that offers the proper support you may avoid unwanted stress and tension.  The pillow releases pressure off the brain stem and helps with neck stiffness.
Price: $22, available only in person.


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Products SoldChandika products

As Ayurveda Wellness Counselor, I endorse pure Ayurvedic formulations by my teacher Vaidya Mishra. Follow