
Sujok is Korean therapy developed by Professor Park Jae Woo. Sujok is a combination of two words.  In Korean “Su” means hand and “Jok” means foot.

Sujok is very effective and provides almost immediate relief.  I use various Sujok tools during my sessions: Sujok probe, Sujok massage ring, color therapy, rubber bands, and seeds. To me, Sujok means thinking outside the box.






Tip: Suffering from a headache caused by high blood pressure?

Take a regular rubber band and apply it to the upper part of your thumb in the area of the nail root.  Go 5-7 times around the nail and leave it for about 40-60 seconds.  Your thumb will change its color.  At this point, you will abruptly remove the rubber band and will start massaging your thumb from top to bottom. Repeat 2-3 times to bring the blood flow down.  If necessary – repeat 2-3 times.